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Dala'il Club

Next Khatm: Friday 25th October

Be a part of something truly special

What is the Dala'il Club?

A weekly khatm of the Dala'il Al Khayrat that spans all corners of the globe. The next khatm will be held on Friday 25th October. Registration closes at 5pm UK time on Thursday.

How does it work?

Register using the form below. We'll send you an email with one part (hizb) of the Dala'il to read in your own time. Read or listen to it in any language.

Frequently Asked Questions ↓

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to register every week?

Yes, registration is on a weekly basis. There is no commitment to participate in future khatms if you register for a particular week.

Can I read more than one hizb?

You can register to read more than one hizb by filling out the form multiple times, but with a DIFFERENT name. You can use the same email address. For example, to register twice:
1. Name - name@email.com
2. Name2 - name@email.com.

When will I receive my hizb?

You will be sent an email soon after Thursday 5pm UK time. If you haven't received an email please check your spam folder and add club@dalailalkhayrat.com to your contacts.

Do I have to confirm that I've finished my hizb?

You don't need to confirm that you've read your allocated hizb.

Is this an online / Zoom halaqah?

It isn't an online halaqah. You will be allocated a part to read in your own time.

I missed the registration deadline by a few minutes. Will I still be able to take part in this week's khatm?

Unfortunately not. The good news is that you will be one of the first people to have registered for the next khatm.

Do I have to read my hizb on Friday?

It is preferable to read salawat on a Friday as the reward is much greater. If you're unable to read on Friday, you can read at a more convenient time.

Can I cancel my registration?

You will be given a unique link when you complete the registration form - keep the link safe. If you need to cancel your registration, click on the link before 5pm UK time on Thursday and indicate that you're unable to take part in this week's khatm.
If you've already been allocated a hizb via email, you can either ask someone else to read your hizb on your behalf, or you can read it at a more convenient time.

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