Development Blog

8th September 2021

We have added a page that allows us to accept donations. With your help, we can cover technology and translation costs so that the Dala'il Al Khayrat and Qasida Burda is read by a large number of people across the world.

10th May 2021

We have added the option to change the Arabic font type between IndoPak and Uthmani. This can be changed in the settings modal, and the website will remember your preferences for next time.

12th April 2021

We have added a transliteration to the remaining pages - Opening Dua, Dua of Intention, and the Blessed Names.
We have also made some minor aesthetic changes.

1st February 2021

We have added a transliteration to each part of the Dala'il Al Khayrat. It can be turned on using the text settings button at the top of the page.
We have used the Cambridge IJMES transliteration system for Arabic. A key can be found here.

2nd January 2021

We have added a modal for text settings. This contains the toggle for the English translation, as well as buttons to adjust the font size for both the English text and the Arabic text.
The browser will remember all settings so you won't have to change them when you move within the site, or when you visit the site again.

22nd December 2020

The toggle for the English translation of the Dala'il now remembers its last setting. This will save readers from changing the translation settings when moving between pages, and also when re-visting the site at a later date.

15th December 2020

There have been a number of website enhancements over the past few months. A quick summary:

A recitation of the Dala'il Al Khayrat has been added to each of the Parts (except Part 8). The player at the bottom can be used to seek across the track, and to control the speed of recitation. The corresponding verse is highlighted as the audio progresses. The audio can be started at each verse using the play button ( ▶︎) in the top left. Part 5's audio is not synced to the text.
Keyboard shortcuts can be used to navigate the audio - the left/right keys seek 10s in either direction and the space bar can be used to pause/play.

Verse Numbers and Dividers
Verse numbers have been added in the top left. When the English translation is switched on, a faint grey line appears as a divider between verses.

We are continually updating the English translation. Many thanks to our readers who are writing in with suggestions.

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